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That Other NightTime Job.

January 26, 2012

You’d be surprised how often people think I’m a stripper.

Or whatever mysterious lady of the night jobs are out there. This is assumed by strangers and friends a like, well, new people introduced by long time friends who think it’s hilarious to say, “Hey this is my friend ******, She’s a ‘Lady of the Night'” har har.

For everyone else it usually starts with an intro,  “What are you up too?” followed by the, “Oh, just getting a drink before I go to work tonight” a long, long awkward pause enters and I know, I know exactly what they are going to say.

“Um, might I/can I ask where you work?”


There used to be a time when I would so nicely answer that, now It’s “No, not a stripper or a hooker.” I am waiting for the right person so I can pull out the, “Give me $50 and meet me out back and I’ll show you what I do.” but am too afraid of a sting operation, or something taking me up on it.

What I don’t understand is the very defensive response of not wanting to offend me, which is long gone. What’s offense is that’s the only job you can think of for a Woman to work at past the hours of 10 and that it’s a dirty thing to be one. Had someone once go, “Yeah, I thought you looked way to clean” Wha?

What is it about the dirty undertones of a woman working at night?

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